Lubbock County, Texas

State Of Texas - County Of Lubbock

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Rural Mediation

Texas Rural Mediation Services (TRMS) was established to address disputes among and between consumers, peers, businesses, agriculture producers, ranchers, creditors, and various USDA agencies.  In 2000, Governor George Bush appointed Lubbock County to administer the USDA Mediation Program for Texas.  Each Governor since has reaffirmed this appointment.

Anyone can request mediation through the program, regardless of the county in which they live.  TRMS is headquartered in Lubbock County, and from this office services are administered for the entire State of Texas.  Our mediators are located all over the state, and participant's travel to a mediation site is limited.  These are just some of the issues that can be mediated through TRMS:

  • Credit issues, including car, home, and land loans and accelerations
  • Employee/employer issues
  • Family issues, including mediation for divorce, custody issues, and planning for elderly parents
  • Healthcare issues, including access to care and billing issues
  • Insurance issues
  • Landlord/tenant issues
  • Neighbor issues, including barking dogs and boundary disputes
  • Rural loan, grant, and disaster assistance programs
  • School and adolescent issues
  • Service and contract issues

Through this program, any of our dispute resolution services, not just mediation, may be available.  To schedule a mediation, please fill out an Intake Form and email it to  We will review your request and contact you.  

Services under this program are provided at NO COST!

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