Lubbock County, Texas

State Of Texas - County Of Lubbock

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Jury Information

**NOTICE: If you experience issues with the jury program while trying to register during the days of March 17-21, we are performing system maintenance. Please try again after this time period.**


No one from Lubbock County will ever call you requesting payment of a fine for failing to appear for jury service. If you receive this type of of call, please notify the Lubbock County Sheriff's Office. 

New Jury Summons Postcard:

Jury summonses are now issued in a convenient postcard format. Please read the information on this page for instructions about how to report online.


Receiving a summons does NOT automatically assign you to a jury panel.

Complete the following steps in order to report for jury service:

1. Read the summons carefully – Go through the instructions to understand what is required of you and note the key dates (Online Report Date and Service Week).

2. Report online – Complete the online questionnaire using the link below before the Online Report Date to confirm your eligibility and be added to the list of potential jurors. Do not appear in person on the Online Report Date unless assistance is required to report online. Please report no later than one (1) day before your Online Report Date. 

3. Check your availability – If you have a conflict during your Service Week, follow the instructions to reschedule before the deadline. Make any changes no later than one (1) day before your Online Report Date.

4. Wait for further instructions – Monitor your email and text messages on the Thursday after your Online Report Date to see if you are assigned to a jury panel.

5. If selected for a panel – Check the court assignment, make arrangements to attend, and follow all the guidelines regarding attire, parking, and electronic devices.

6.  If not selected – Your jury obligation is complete unless you receive further instructions.

7. Handle emergencies properly – If an emergency comes up after you are assigned to a panel, contact the assigned court for permission to be excused. For court contact information, please click the following link: Lubbock County Courts

Please click the following links for further information and instructions:

Grand Jury:

Please use the link below to report online. You only need to provide your juror ID, birthdate, email address and phone number; the remaining sections of the questionnaire are only accessible to those serving on a petit jury and do not need to be completed for Grand Jury service. Grand jurors are required to serve a 2-month term, attending a session every week for the indictment process. 

Click Here to Report Online for Jury Service

You do not have to appear on your Online Report Date if you report online. 

Requirements to Report Online:

  • You must have daily email access.
  • You must have a cell phone number.  
  • Emails from jury pool may end up in your junk mail folder. Please check it if you don't see the email in your inbox or add as a safe sender. 
  • You will receive an email and/or text message on the Thursday after your report date with further instructions if you have been chosen for a jury panel. If you do not receive a message by Friday, please call Central Jury at (806) 775-1369, (806) 775-1367, (806) 775-1577 or email
  • If you cannot respond online or do not have access to a computer, please call (806) 775-1369 or email Computers are available to report online at Central Jury, 1302 Crickets Avenue, Lubbock, TX, Monday - Friday, 8a.m. - 4p.m. Please bring your summons with you. 

When Appearing for Panel Assignment:

  • DO NOT bring guns, ammunition, knives, weapons, or sharp objects to the Courthouse. You will be required to pass through metal detectors and are subject to be searched. Purses, briefcases, or other containers may also be searched.
  • Proper clothing is required. NOT PERMITTED: Shorts, tank tops, t-shirts, hats or caps.
  • Cell phones or other electronic devices must be silenced or turned off. 


Free parking is available at 13th Street and Crickets Avenue directly across from the Central Jury Room.

Alternate Transportation:

If you are needing a Citibus pass to appear for jury service, please call us at (806) 775-1369 or email us at as soon as you receive your summons and we can get one sent to your address before your service. 

Individuals with a Disability: 

Access to jury service is available to all individuals as required by the ADA Act of 1990. For accommodations to be a potential juror for jury duty, please contact the Office of Court Administration, within two (2) business days of receiving the summons at or (806) 775-1360.

Right to Reemployment:

A private employer may not terminate the employment of a permanent employee because the employee serves as a juror or grand juror. An employee whose employment is terminated in violation of this section is entitled to return to the same employment that the employee held when summoned for jury or grand jury service if the employee, as soon as practical after release from that service, gives the employer actual notice that the employee intends to return (Civil Practice and Remedies Code § 122.001).


A person who fails to comply with the summons, or who knowingly provides false information in a request for an exemption or to be excused from jury service, is subject to a contempt action punishable by a fine not less than $100 nor more than $1,000 (Government Code § 62.0141).  Additionally, a person shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $500 if the person: (1) fails to attend court in obedience to this summons without reasonable excuse; or (2) files a false claim of exemption from jury service (Government Code § 62.111).  See also Code of Criminal Procedure Art. 19.16 and 35.01.

Ensuring Justice:

The right to a jury trial is one of the fundamental guarantees of the United States Constitution and the State of Texas Constitution.  All people, regardless of race, religion, sex, national origin, or economic status, have the right to trial by a fair and impartial jury.  In order to have a fair and impartial jury, citizens are called upon to participate in this process.


The information on this webpage is not intended to take the place of the instructions given by the Judge in any case.  In the event of conflict, the Judge's instructions will prevail. 

If you need further assistance, please call (806) 775-1369 or email

Contact Us

1302 Crickets Ave, Lubbock, TX 79401
Sara L. Smith
District Clerk

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