Lubbock County, Texas

State Of Texas - County Of Lubbock

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Tax Assessor-Collector

Lubbock County Tax Assessor-Collector
Main Tax Office
916 Main Street, Suite 102
Lubbock, TX 79401
Phone: 806-775-1344
Fax: 806-775-7951
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 10536, Lubbock, TX 79408
  FB 2 TW
At the Lubbock County Tax Offices, we take care of all your motor vehicle needs including registration, titles, permits, and more. Full registration and title services are provided at all three tax office locations (Main, City Bank and Slaton), Monday through Friday. You may email us with questions. Click through here to view the 2025 Holiday Schedule.

We offer limited TxDPS services including driver's license renewal, replacement driver's license and identification cards at the
Slaton Office.

Click on your preferred location below to learn more about the services provided, or call 806-775-1344, to schedule an appointment.

Main Office

Main Office


City Bank Office

City Bank Office

Slaton Office

Slaton Office

Other Locations

Limited vehicle registration renewal services are provided at the following locations.  Present your current renewal notice, along with your proof of liability insurance, at the service counter.  Renewals can be handled by these locations for the previous month, current month, or the next two months.

       * HEB - Visit their corporate website or see a map with all their current locations
       * United Supermarket, Market Street or Amigo’s location in Lubbock
       * 2J’s Thriftway in Idalou

  • Department

Contact Us

Ronnie Keister
Tax Assessor-Collector

In this Department

More Information